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Autism Society
Montgomery County, MD

Call Us: +1.301.652.3912

Dorothy Lattner Memorial

The Autism Society Montgomery County, MD is accepting applications for the 2017 Dorothy Lattner Memorial Scholarship.  This $500 scholarship is awarded each fall to an educator in Montgomery County, MD who is furthering his/her studies in the Autism field.  The scholarship is open to teachers, occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech language pathologists, and others who are furthering their education to work with children on the Autism Spectrum.

The scholarship is given in honor of Dorothy Lattner, a past president of the Montgomery County Chapter of the Autism Society of America, who worked tirelessly for individuals with Autism through MCASA and CSAAC and as a teacher in the Montgomery County Public Schools, MPAC, RICA and others.

Individuals wishing to apply for the Dorothy Lattner Memorial Scholarship must submit: 1) a letter describing their background and education; 2) a resume; and 3) documentation from their school or university demonstrating their current course of study in the special education/Autism field.  Applicants must also either live in or teach in Montgomery County, MD.

Materials should be sent to: Autism Society Montgomer County, P. O. Box 1437, Olney, MD 20830 or emailed to [email protected].  For more information please contact the Autism Society Montgomery County at 301-652-3912.

Applications must be postmarked no later than April 27, 2020.

Mary Ellen Daisey/Rachel Nelligan

Camperships are given to children and adults on the Autism Spectrum.  A camp scholarship application must be submitted by the application deadline to the Autism Society Montgomery County, P.O. Box 1437, Olney, MD 20830.  Funds will be awarded in the middle of May and sent directly to the Camp.  Members of the Autism Society Montgomery County will receive preference in any funding determinations.  To obtain a camp scholarship application, email Karen Hutchison at [email protected], and one will be sent to you. 

Documentation from the camp showing that the applicant has been accepted at the camp, along with the camp address, phone number and email address must accompany the camp scholarship application.  Applications must be received by the Autism Society Montgomery County by Monday, April 27, 2020 .   You can mail your application and documentation to the address in the paragraph above or email them to [email protected]m